Saturday, 25 October 2008

Another Wedding
Deans Mum got re-married this weekend. It was just a nice informal ceremony with a celebrant in her backyard. Luckily the weather held out because the forecast was for rain. Anyway her new hubby's name is Ren. She met him on the Coromandel, when she was staying with Mel. He lives at the camp in his caravan. They both looked very happy.

Deans nieces acted as flower girls and ringbearer, and his nephew Connor wanted in on the action as well.

Teddy and her new hubby. Dean acted as one of the witnesses and also had to give a little speech. The celebrant is also the LDS chaplin who works at the hospital, He came to visit me when I was in hospital with Asher.

Ashers cousins loved playing with him for the afternoon, above is Melissa (holding him) and Hannah. He was pretty well asleep the whole time but didn't seem to mind them all poking, proding and holding him.

I Love my Little Baby

Here is Asher in his 'favourite pram' he only just fits in it and I think thats why he likes it so much because it makes him feel all snuggly. We were hoping that he would still fit in it when Robbie gets back and then he could push him in it, but I'm pretty sure Asher would have well out grown it by then.

Heres me with my 'little moppet'. Today he is 4 weeks + 1 day.

He's really starting to get big now. He's no longer a newborn, he's a 1 month old baby.

Friday, 24 October 2008

Little Hands and Feet

We wanted to get some photos of Little Asher's little hands and feet before they become not so little.

little feet2 little feet1 little feet3

little hands1little hands 2 little hands 3

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Asher's Adventures: Part 2

Ok, so little Asher is now three weeks old. He is growing like a Vietnamese bamboo shoot in our esteemed expert opinions [sic]. He has gained 1kg in 2 weeks (at his last midwife weigh in). Mum and dad are job sharing the night shift feeds at the moment with mum doing the day time babycare while dad goes to school and placement etc... All in all our house feels more like a home. Whether its holding the little prince high up on the parapets of his parents shoulders while he surveys his dark kingdom in the silent hours of the early morn, or washing and sterilising baby bottles, or weeing on his own face (due to an unfortunate penile position during a nappy change), or talking about future plans and parenting strategies little Asher continues to enchant us.

In other news, Rob got back from Egypt this week after what sounds like an awesome trip, I finished uni for the year (just a final exam to go) and Carly continues to heal well.

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