Saturday, 18 April 2009

Anzac, Easter, and our Own Special Little Easter Bunny


Well Easter and Anzac have now pretty much come and gone and here we are. They are an interesting pair of holidays with both striking similarities and paradoxical contrasts; while both are hallowed memorials to fallen heroes, one underlies peace and the other war. Below is a photo of Deans Grandad who served during WWII in Africa. He spent most of the war in a prison camp. He is 89 now and is mostly blind, hard of hearing and can no longer walk, however, he is the most loved person in the RSA rest home where he receives multiple visits daily from his wife, son (Deans dad) and grand children (deans brother and sisters). And so, as the sun sets on one generation, it rises on another.

Little Asher continues to grow and is now sitting up. He is very playful and enjoys peekaboo, tickles, smiles, and just being with people. The other day little Asher was trying out some new solids - a rice cracker; he was enjoying sucking on it but at one stage the cracker became sufficiently soggy that it developed an adhesive quality and became bound to the tip of his tongue. For some time Asher tried unsuccessfully to withdraw his tongue into his mouth to capture the elusive cracker but every time to no avail resulting in this sticky tip of the tongue cracker that recoiled to and fro from his mouth.




