Monday, 24 November 2008

Asher Speaks

The Chronicles of asher part 1

Asher has become quite responsive and talkative of late. The other day he had just awoken and was grizzling so dad went to pick him up and as he reached in to grab him a broad smile widened over his face amidst his continued baby moans. He has also become quite talkative and responds to baby gaggle in kind... when he is in a wakeful, alert, sociable state. Today he did two explosive poohs that his nappies were unable to contain. The poos made it all the way up his back to his arms and neck.

An Asher Montage Narrated by: Asher Gauthern


Charlotte Rose said...

love that kid

M. said...

WOW. I hope my gag reflex improves when I have kids or I don't know what i'll do!! I'll contact you on boxing day to see how you like the movie-- it made 70 million in one weekend here, CRAZY! I just hope they make more than the 2nd...the 3rd and 4th were my favs!

Crystal said...

that poo sounds pretty intense and disgusting.

tom and jonelle said...

cutee cutee...hopefully that is as gross as it gets for lil asher.....but its not likley.ILY

Charlotte Rose said...

Asher is so cute, can't get over it

viv said...

Love the montage - and that cabbage tree! I actually asked my hairdresser if she would rent us her caravan somewhere or other over there but she said no as they had all there kayaks and stuff stored there - I'm sure it had nothing to do with the fact she hardly knows me...

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!