Tuesday, 5 August 2008

More Baby Stuff

Well feeling like it was about time to do another post, (and having nothing much to do lately except wait) the only thing that I have really to write about is the upcoming arrival of our baby. First thing I thought I should do is tell you about how awesome Gaylynne Tunstall (My neighbour) is. Because basically she has bought and given me most of what I have so far for the baby, not only including such things as clothes, but furniture, blankets and toys as well. So in the group of pictures below just about everything is from her. So big shout out to Gaylynne. I should also thank her hubby kevin with the super good job who actually paid for it all.

The pictures below are things that I have either bought or made myself, so go me. though I have given up making baby bibs as they are quite time consuming to make and very cheap to buy, but as soon as I can be bothered I will make some more baby bloomer outfits, the black crushed velvet and the red corduroy are my favourite's so far. At first I was only planning to dress little Asher in black and white, then I decided that red would be OK too, but then most things I have been given are in none of those colours.

And the photos from my latest scan, like I said previously the bigger the baby gets the harder he is to make out. But in one of them I can make out a foot. At my next midwife appointment I will ask for a 3d photo scan, which will show us all what the baby actually looks like. I was glad to discover at my last scan that the baby is only on track to weigh 7 pounds and that he currently weighs about 5. I counted this as a blessing as my mum had really big babies. The Radiologist told me I was having a nice normal european sized baby...I didn't say anything even though strictly I don't consider myself as european.

I have to admit that I have done a bit of a Nicole Kidman in terms of not giving up exercise, I still try to do lots, including weights and riding my bike around at night time. And while I have definitely put on alot more weight than she did, I'm hoping that all my exercise will put me in good steed to loose it all quikly after the birth. I'm even thinking about going for a hike up to the pinnacles next weekend with Dean and Dad. I just figure that theres plenty of asian's and africans who walk for miles heavily pregnant for water and work in rice paddies until there babies drop out, so theres no reason why a westerner like me can't go for a hike. Also I decided against anti-natal classes, I don't know why but I just didn't like the sound of them. Anyway to all my friends and family who arn't close by I miss you guys.


Charlotte Rose said...

Cool, nice update, I love the little overalls you made for the baby, I like your post too, nice and pretty. I can't quite make out which one of the paintings in the header is mine????

M. said...

anti-natal? What the hell is that?! it sounds like you hate christmas in french. Bon Natale or something like that?! :) I miss you too!!!

Dean and Carly said...

yeah I think its meant to be pre natal, its birth classes

tom and jonelle said...

WOW that is great that gaylynne is doing all of this for little ashar and it all just so cute.Really miss you guys.Take care of you all.Keep up the exercise, it all makes it easier afterwards.exciting times.ILY

Crystal said...

about time carly. thank goodness I changed my little canvas man it was hideous before!! everything is looking great I can't wait for you to have the baby, seriously you've been pregnant forever.

Anonymous said...

Hey Carly,
I can't believe your baby is coming so soon. I can't wait to meet him. I love the stuff you've made. Mum and Dad will be here in a few days, i am really excited to see them. Then back to Hawaii in a couple more weeks, I am so close to being finished but i am also really thinking about doing something else. Anyway, things are the same. So are you having a C-Section?

Chris said...

Mike and I were just looking at all your photos and baby stuffs...crazy changes for you two but how cool. Good luck in your last few weeks with Asher inside and Happy Anniversary! You should add a trip to Vermont to come see us, you are most certainly always welcome!